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28 juin

Uow Enterprise Agreement 2018

The University of Wollongong (UOW) recently implemented a new enterprise agreement in 2018, which has been welcomed by both staff and management. The agreement is a result of extensive negotiations between the university and the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) over the course of several months.

The UOW enterprise agreement 2018 contains a number of significant changes that will benefit staff members, including new salary scales, increased job security, and expanded provisions for parental leave. It also includes a commitment to diversity and inclusion, with provisions for flexible working arrangements to accommodate staff with caring responsibilities or disabilities.

One of the most significant changes in the UOW enterprise agreement 2018 is an increase in salary scales. This will benefit staff members across all levels, from administrative and support staff to academic staff. The salary increases are designed to keep pace with inflation and to ensure that UOW remains competitive in attracting and retaining high-quality staff.

Another major change in the enterprise agreement is an increase in job security for staff. This includes a commitment to ongoing employment for staff on fixed-term contracts, subject to satisfactory performance. It also includes provisions for redundancy payments and consultation in the event of workplace changes or restructures. These changes are designed to provide greater job security for staff, particularly in an uncertain economic climate.

The UOW enterprise agreement 2018 also includes expanded provisions for parental leave. This includes an increase in paid maternity leave from 14 to 16 weeks, as well as provisions for paid partner leave and extended unpaid parental leave. These changes are designed to support staff during a critical period in their lives and to provide greater work-life balance.

Finally, the enterprise agreement contains a commitment to diversity and inclusion. This includes provisions for flexible working arrangements, such as job sharing and part-time work, to accommodate staff with caring responsibilities or disabilities. It also includes a commitment to addressing the gender pay gap and promoting the recruitment and retention of staff from diverse backgrounds.

In conclusion, the UOW enterprise agreement 2018 represents a significant step forward for staff members at the university. It contains a range of provisions that will benefit staff across all levels, including new salary scales, increased job security, and expanded provisions for parental leave. It also contains a commitment to diversity and inclusion, which is essential for creating a positive and inclusive workplace culture. Overall, the enterprise agreement represents a positive outcome for all parties involved and positions UOW as a leading employer in the higher education sector.