462 Route de Toulouse 65300 Lannemezan – +33 (0)5 62 98 33 33 – hotel.demilune@epas65.fr


11 oct.

Co Founders Agreement Template

Starting a business can be an exciting but daunting task. One of the most important aspects of starting a business is finding the right co-founder. A co-founder can help alleviate some of the responsibilities and stresses of starting a business, offer different skills and expertise, and provide moral support. However, it is also important to establish a co-founder agreement to avoid any potential issues down the line.

A co-founder agreement is a legal document that outlines the responsibilities of each co-founder and what happens in certain situations. It is important to establish a co-founder agreement from the beginning to ensure everyone is on the same page and to avoid misunderstandings or issues later on. Here is a co-founders agreement template that can be used as a starting point:

1. Ownership and equity

This section outlines the ownership and equity of the business. It is important to establish what percentage of the business each co-founder owns and how it will be divided in the event of a buyout or exit.

2. Responsibilities

This section outlines the responsibilities of each co-founder. It is important to establish who will be responsible for what aspects of the business, such as operations, marketing, finance, etc. This section should also outline what happens if one co-founder is no longer able to fulfill their responsibilities.

3. Compensation

This section outlines how each co-founder will be compensated. It is important to establish how much each co-founder will be paid and if there will be any bonuses or profit-sharing options.

4. Decision-making

This section outlines how decisions will be made within the company. It is important to establish how decisions will be made and what happens in the event of a tie.

5. Dispute resolution

This section outlines how disputes will be resolved within the company. It is important to establish a process for resolving disputes to avoid any potential legal issues down the line.

6. Confidentiality

This section outlines the confidentiality of the business and its information. It is important to establish what information can be shared and what cannot be shared, and what happens if confidential information is leaked.

7. Termination

This section outlines what happens if one co-founder wants to terminate their involvement in the company. It is important to establish what happens to their ownership and responsibilities in the event of termination.

In conclusion, starting a business with a co-founder can be an exciting adventure, but it is important to establish a co-founder agreement from the beginning to avoid any potential issues. This template can be used as a starting point to create a customized co-founder agreement that fits your business`s specific needs.